Blog posts, the need for them

I have been skimming through my fellow ICT student blogs and came across a post by Kim discussing the need for a catchy title of a blog post and how she doesn’t enjoy writing them. I can totally relate! If you were to skim through my posts so far, not one title is catchy – I’m just lacking in creativity there. But is the content worthwhile? I’m not sure. After all, it’s just my thoughts and ramblings…

Since beginning this course I’ve been reflecting on the idea of the blog. Essentially it replaces the good ‘ole journal that my teachers had me write in as a student, however, it also has the benefit of being able to link to other journals (blogs), and external sites. Worthwhile? I’m thinking so… Now to challenge myself to get back into the swing of things and talk about all things technology (or maybe just what I’m learning!)

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